Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thing #4 - Register your Blog with Tracker

Some of these Things are a little less inspiring than others. Ok, I've registered my blog on the tracker. Or at least I think I have. This one was deceptively simple. Seems like there was supposed to be more to it. Did I miss something?

Oh, yes, begin my learning 2.0 journey. I'll get back to you on that one. I sometimes wonder if I'm too misanthropic for 2.0. For instance, I recently created a Second Life account. I enjoyed learning how to get around in Second Life and whatnot, but I'm terrified of all the other people around me. What if the talk to me, or something? Social networking is not really my thing. I'd rather sit in the corner and glower.

Thing #3 - Set up your own blog

Holy Cats and Dogs! Who knew that setting up a blog could be so easy? I am quite amazed - I thought it would be a bit more involved. Now I can effortlessly blather on all day. If only I cared to blather on all day, this would be great! Perhaps I will start another blog and devote it to the trials and tribulations of Live Oak. Everyone thinks we are living high on the hog out there, but all I can say is you have no idea.

The astute reader will notice that I'm writing on a Sunday, my day off. Yes, who really has the time at work for play? That's the sad truth most days. All work and no play makes Rachel a crazed basket case. But it is a testament to these 23 things that I am interested enough to do them at home.

Thing #2 - Lifelong Learners

I rather enjoyed 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, despite the irritating name. It was somewhat obvious, but I found it useful anyhow. Often useful truths are obvious.

I think I find habit #1 hardest. I've never been much of a goal setter, and I am quite indecisive. I find this sort of program useful, because it focuses me somewhat. What to learn next doesn't have to go through my byzantine and tortured thought process. Thank heavens.

Habit #5 is probably easiest. Working in a library makes one's learning toolbox very accessible.

I like habit 71/2 as well, because it's easy to forget to play. Perhaps #1 is hard because I take it too seriously.

Incidentally, I haven't filled out a learning contract yet, due to my issues with #1. Maybe I can just leave the goal part blank, and fill out the rest?

Thing #1 - Find out about the Program

Not too much to say about thing #1, actually, since it only really involved reading and listening. A fine introduction, I reckon.

See? Dull.