Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thing #15 - Read a few perspectives on Web 2.0, Library 2.0 etc.

For the most part, these articles did not grab me. I was fairly uninspired. I was most interested in Dr. Wendy Schultz's article To a Temporary Place in Time. I like her idea that individual books might have their own avatars and online personalities. I would love to have the job of creating avatars for books!

I liked the way she explained Library 1.0-4.0. The thing that keeps getting brought up is that Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 is that it's about community, and about user involvement. I think in many ways it's about relying on community instead of experts. The library keeps trying to find ways that it can get in on the 2.0 thing. I think that by definition, almost, libraries are too much an institution to really be 2.0. The idea that people will "collect" virtual librarians is wishful thinking, in my opinion. Ultimately, I think we will continue to be mostly 1.0. That doesn't mean we shouldn't learn about 2.0, or shouldn't pursue it to some extent. I think libraries should support 2.0 technology, and be 2.0 savvy. I just don't think that the concept of "librarian" is 2.0, so let's not kid ourselves. Fortunately, in Dr. Schultz's vision, Library 4.0 won't replace 1.0-3.0, but will incorporate them. That's the most sensible thing I've heard yet.

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