Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thing #2 - Lifelong Learners

I rather enjoyed 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, despite the irritating name. It was somewhat obvious, but I found it useful anyhow. Often useful truths are obvious.

I think I find habit #1 hardest. I've never been much of a goal setter, and I am quite indecisive. I find this sort of program useful, because it focuses me somewhat. What to learn next doesn't have to go through my byzantine and tortured thought process. Thank heavens.

Habit #5 is probably easiest. Working in a library makes one's learning toolbox very accessible.

I like habit 71/2 as well, because it's easy to forget to play. Perhaps #1 is hard because I take it too seriously.

Incidentally, I haven't filled out a learning contract yet, due to my issues with #1. Maybe I can just leave the goal part blank, and fill out the rest?

1 comment:

Gail said...

Hi Rachel!
It looks like you're making great progress, despite your concerns about not being goal-oriented! Keep enjoying yourself!